It was an Adventure Getting to This Point, and the Adventure Continues
What happened to one of my clients when the marketplace could not deliver a home that ticked all the boxes on his want list? What tipped the scale towards tearing down an existing home, and building a new home for himself? For Ron, it was satisfying his needs that drove him to build.
Ron had specific criteria for his forever home. Accessibility was the first box that required a check on his list. At 70 years of age, he wanted to be able to age in place, with minimal stairs, a convenient location, and a fairly flat walkable neighbourhood.
Although initially attracted to a Spanish style home in the San Roque foothills with fantastic views, gardens, patios, a second floor, and a standard staircase, Ron quickly realized the property lacked the accessibility he required in his forever home. It was isolated, contained too many stairs and just could not check the box for location. Ron knew instantly that he needed to be closer to town for that sense of accessibility.
So, the Mesa was where Ron decided he wanted to live. But, no Mesa house matched the list. So, he purchased the property on Oliver Road for its large lot. He tore down the home, and the building project began. Three and a half years later he moved in.
He never questioned his decision to use David VanHoy to design the home. David is one of the “Mesa Architects,” and he came through with an outstanding design. David’s attention to details could be seen in his supervision of the construction, where he worked to solve problems with the contractor and made decisions to realize his architectural design. Rob Maday, the landscape architect, was also vital throughout construction by pairing the landscaping to the architectural design.
Ron decided not to go with his first contractor. Just before they signed a contract, Ron changed his mind. It was a difficult, but ultimately good decision, and he switched to DD Ford Construction. Ron has only high praise for DD Ford Construction.
“I was in good hands with trustworthy experts. They were more than competent. The workers, the guys in drywall, plaster, carpenters, glass installers, electricians, plumbers, and tile installers, they all talked with pride as they built the house,” said Ron. When they came back later in the process to work on the house they would say, “We did that.” It was an unusual house, a challenge for them, an opportunity to show their craftsmanship. Ron says, “The craftsmen put more into their work because of this. They were clearly invested in the project.”
Ron trusted the contractor’s judgement. He got their opinions. He asked them for advice on the tile, cabinetry, and “a million” small decisions, such as light switches and doorknobs. They knew “what the music would sound like,” he said. They were quick to reorganize and fix anything that did not come out perfectly. “I can’t overemphasize how much fun it was to work with these guys—overall we had a good time.” They enjoyed building the house together.
It is a unique house, and probably not to everyone’s taste. It is a custom-built home to the taste of the owners. Ron’s quest for a new home transitioned into creating a masterful forever home. Now it is a home to reflect on and appreciate the experiences shared between the architects, builder, and himself. It is a continuing adventure.
Mesa Market Report

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