Home probably means something different than it did a couple of months ago. Is your home still your sanctuary? How are you making it all work? Are you ready to turn the spare bedroom into a music room, craft room, study hall, home office? Or like me, trade a table for a desk with drawers?
With more time at home, are you determined to clean out the garage, closets, cupboards? Did that old trumpet or clarinet you found in storage suddenly make you want to play again? Are you wanting to learn something new or are you discovering things you no longer need?
Are you staying away from Big Box stores because of the lines and crowds? Are so many boxes coming from Amazon that you’ve lost track? Are you becoming a master of the Amazon return process, hidden away in Isla Vista? While you’re there, check out the I.V. Food Co-op; they’re small and have many of the items you might be looking for – no membership required.

Are you learning to be a Zoom Wizard—waltzing with a hundred other couples, reading bedtime stories to your grandchildren, having Happy Hour with friends, singing with the choir,discussing the current book, taking Adult Ed classes online? Don’t you miss the smells when you walk in the door of a friend’s home for dinner, enjoying a glass of wine, conversation, and hugs?
Do you find yourself cooking the comfort foods your grandparents made or learning to bake bread (when you can find flour!) Stephen and Celi are baking bread together on FaceTime;rosemary sourdough is their new favorite. UCSB Arts and Lectures cancelled Ottolenghi’s lecture, so now you don’t have to cook your way through his latest book. As much as I enjoy cooking, I’m ready for someone else to do the dishes! Are you also supporting your favorite restaurants by getting take-out meals, helping them survive to serve us sit-down meals in the future?
Mesa Market Report

Are you finding ways to create dates with loved one? Picnics in the park? Hikes to see the wild flowers. Did you pump up the bike tires and take a spin, have a new adventure? Or are you needing some alone time amidst the togetherness? Or some togetherness amidst the loneliness? Rose created a Mothers’ Day Tea for 2 Mom-friends who live alone.
Are you disheartened that our virus rates are high because of Lompoc Prison? So many things we enjoy: Pilates, yoga, massage, gym workouts, are no, no and no. Even though new things occur, there are plenty of losses. We aren’t all Marie Kondo or Tony Robbins. Low motivation and depression are understandable when some days it takes everything you have just to get dressed. What’s important is that you’re taking care of yourself with compassion.
We don’t know yet if the kids will be going back to school in the fall. There wasn’t a Mother’s Day, neither will there be Father’s Day, Prom, or Graduation. Weddings are on hold, no sports,social dancing, or concerts. Bye Bye Arlo Guthrie. We are all taking the biggest “stay-at-home seminar” that has ever been given. I hope you keep coming closer to your generous and loving self and closer to the people in your life.
I’m so grateful I still have a job and that the real estate market is flourishing. Many people have lost their jobs, and some have businesses floundering. I hope you are OK and have a support system during this challenging time. Please call for any way I can help you with real estate.