In the past few months I have spent time hanging out with Tony Robbins. I walked barefoot on 1,000 degree coals down one of the dozens of his 10–12 feet long runways. You must be willing to do something you’ve never tried along with extensive mental preparation to walk on hot coals – which is the whole point.
You might wonder why a real estate agent would even be attracted to an event where they walk on hot coals. Robbins events are about transformation, going beyond your limits, deepening your personal power, and finding out what is missing in your relationships and in your business.

But, is that useful for selling houses? Seminars, conferences and trainings have been essential to sharpening my business skills. Most agents never go to events like this. They aren’t masters themselves and the idea of hanging out with other masters does not seem worth it. My passion for personal growth is hardly about me. They say the most important marker of health and happiness is the number and depth of your friends and relationships. It’s about who wants to hang out with you as well as who you want to hang out with.
Sadly, most people go into real estate with no training to start with and no training along the way. They pass the licensing test, go to work, and proceed to make years, even decades, of mistakes “helping”clients. There are 20-year veterans who may have only one year’s experience over and over again. Real estate is filled with people doing barely adequate work.
I understand what it’s like to be ripped off by less than professional agents. No one should have to experience selling their home for less than full value.
Mesa Market Report

My second Tony Robbins event was called Business Mastery (BM). It’s a more intimate, five-day immersive experience with a small group of masterful business people who, like me, want more. Millionaires are nothing at BM. We were there to learn from the best business people on the planet.
We participated with Robbins and his hand picked business masters, who have created as many as seven $1B businesses. We learned everything from business basics—how to read a profit and loss statement (Warren Buffet says it took him 12 years to learn how to do that!) – to the psychology of being successful. Robbins says business is 80 percent psychology and 20 percent strategy. I pushed myself to make breakthroughs – increasing my ability to guide clients to their own financial breakthroughs, while helping us both enjoy our relationship.
Most agents pay no attention and make no attempt to stay on top of their game. They rely on their friends’ referrals to stay in business. Too many customers see giving out their business as a reward, as in “Let’s reward this agent with our home listing.” Why repeat a barely adequate experience with the same old agent? There’s no growth there for you or your agent friend. Why not use an agent dedicated to doing a better job?
Transforming into a bigger version of yourself is Robbins’ business. Transforming home seller’s experiences from the same old experience into truly amazing is my business. Home sellers have put me in charge of fixing up more than 250 homes. I’ve helped 750 homes sell in Santa Barbara including 400 Mesa homes.
If you are willing to experience something new – not the same old agent with the same old barely adequate work – we should talk. Move yourself away from mistakes and towards a profitable transaction. Let’s schedule an appointment so I can create a customized plan for you. We will execute that plan together and make this a pleasant and profitable experience. Call today.