What makes a Realtor outstanding? It could be their caring heart or their negotiating acumen, but can you measure those? Two things really count that you can measure. You can compare Realtors in the Multiple Listing Service (MLS) you consider hiring; use these standards and see how they stack up:
- How close to the listing price did they get for their sellers?
- How long did their homes take to sell?
Every Realtor leaves a trail of sales behind them. Distinguishing the outstanding Realtor from the merely excellent Realtor, or worse yet, only a good Realtor is essential to your financial health. We are in the era of big data. You might as well use some of that data to protect yourself.
It may not be fair to compare a veteran to a newbie but for most people selling a home is about-
- getting as much money as the market will deliver,
- as fast as can be done,
- with as much convenience as possible.
Your Realtor may be your friend, or become your friend, but this may be the biggest financial transaction of your life. What are your standards for choosing a Realtor?

You could start by asking any agent you are considering hiring what their numbers are in these categories. If they don’t know what they are, or won’t tell you, you may want to consider hiring someone else.
Mesa Market Report

The information is available in the MLS. I ran them for myself, and I can run them for any Realtor you are considering.
Since 1992, when the current MLS* data base came into being, my results have been as follows:
- My sellers received 95.33 percent of their listing price. The MLS average was 91.81 percent.
My sellers received 3.52 percent higher prices than MLS average.
- My properties sold in an average of 60 days. The MLS average during these 27 years was 85 days.
My sellers sold 29 percent faster than the average.
Fifty percent of agents are average at best.
An excellent Realtor is only Good.
Don’t settle for a good Realtor; you deserve an OUTSTANDING one.
For 27 years I have put more money in sellers’ pockets with a shorter marketing time than most other Realtors.
Compare Realtors to get OUTSTANDING results.