we care about getting you the
best possible outcome
We help you buy and sell homes in santa barbara

“Your help was invaluable. I particularly appreciate your close attention to detail, yourconsistently doing what you said you were going to do, and your high standards of
integrity. Your service was first rate in every respect.”
- Frank Michaelson
Understanding the Complexity of Buying or Selling
At Scott Williams Luxury Homes, we understand how the complexity of Buying or Selling of real estate can be overwhelming. This process can be emotional, exciting, and financially prosperous. My goal is to represent your best interest and lead you to success.
Most people have an idea of where to start but are unsure of all the steps required to successfully complete a transaction. This is why proper representation and guidance are crucial.
The focus throughout my career has been exceptional service and ethical representation. My reputation and loyalty to clients has encouraged multiple transactions with repeat customers. I have developed years and, in some cases, decades-long relationships with clients. The longstanding trust clients have with me has been an honor.
In Montecito and Santa Barbara, I have practiced Real Estate for more than 30 years. I have helped more than 800 clients purchase a home and nationally rank in the top 1,000 for all sales agents from all companies.
Choosing the right agent is not only essential to protecting your investment or purchasing an investment, but also in giving you the best chance for a smooth transition from your current home to your next adventure.
How To Get Started:
1. Call me 805-451-9300
2. We will discuss your needs and wants
3. Sell or buy at the best possible price
I look forward to working with you.

Scott Williams
Realtor / Broker
Cal DRE #00628741